Data Driven Assessments

Cincinnati Achievement Academy is dedicated to student success. We utilize assessment data to refine our instructional methods and ensure all students are well-prepared for graduation and beyond.

K – 8 Testing

Elementary students participate in all testing required by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. Student assessment and data‐driven decision making are core values the school. Assessment is the avenue by which staff can identify, measure, and ensure students are mastering Ohio’s Learning Standards and making academic progress. At the beginning of the school year and throughout, a battery of assessment instruments will be administered to students. The following is a list of the assessments that will be administered at the school:

Quizzes, Tests, and Classroom-Based Assessments

  • Assessments in the core content area. - As needed by the teacher

  • Informal assessments such as projects. - On-going and running records

  • Authentic Assessments, such as Project Work. - On-going

  • NWEA/MAP Growth. - Fall, winter, spring

  • Kindergarten Readiness Assessment- Revised (KRA-R). - Annually

  • Grade 3 ELA. - Fall/Spring

  • Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA). - Annually to identified ELL students

  • Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS). - On-going

  • Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD). - Annually